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General information

Our reception is open from 07:00am to 11:00pm from June to September and from 07:00am to 20:00pm in spring and autumn.

Campin le Balze is actively trying to contribute to energy saving with photovoltaic panels, eliminating plastic where possible, and carefully recycling waste.
We have created an ecological area at the entrance of the Camping with bins for PLASTIC, PAPER, GLASS,
UNDIFFERENTIATED, which can be accessed 24 hours a day.

SMALL PITCH (approximately 40 m2)
The small pitch is the smallest and is not always reachable by car. They are suitable for max 2 people with a small tent and bicycle or motorbike. They have an electrical connection.

MEDIUM PITCH (approximately 50 to 70 m2)
The medium pitch is the most popular, it is distributed throughout the campsite, both on grass and gravel.

LARGE PITCH (approximately 70 to 100 m2)
The large pitch is the largest and is suitable for large campers or family tents, groups of friends or families, who need a lot of space.

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Camping Le Balze - Via di Mandringa, 15

campinglebalze@gmail.comtel. +39 058887880 - mobile/whatsapp +39 3791876712


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